Low Cost VoIP calls on BrainyPi
Description: Mumble is a free, open source, low latency, VoIP, high quality voice chat application.
![Oops!, No Image to display.](/brainypi-projects-showcase/img/mumble-server.png)
Steps to Install:
Copy and paste the following lines into the terminal:
sudo apt install mumble-server
sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-serverThis command will present you with a few options, set these to how you would like Mumble to operate.
Autostart: Yes
High Priority: Yes
SuperUser: Set the password here as Brainy Pi's password.
ip addr show
Mumble server will be installed.
Useful for: Open Source, Low Latency, High Quality Voice Chat
Link to original project: https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble
Link to Youtube Video:
Link to Youtube Video: